PRESOMEN® (conjugated estrogens)
The estrogen component of PRESOMEN® is conjugated estrogens, a natural estrogen combination and one of the most prescribed compounds for hormone replacement worldwide. It is also one of the most studied compounds, and a vast number of data are available. This includes data on prevention of cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer’s disease. Certain constituents of conjugated estrogens are selective for the newly discovered estrogen receptor and they are also potent radical scavengers. This indicates further beneficial effects. PRESOMEN® COMP is a combination of conjugated estrogens with a non-androgenic progestogen: medrogestone. The PRESOMEN® product range is market leader in Germany.

generic name
product description
description of indications
worldwide availability
date and country of first launch
average dosages

generic name
conjugated estrogens (PRESOMEN®)
conjugated estrogens with medrogestone (PRESOMEN® COMP)
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product description
The estrogen component of PRESOMEN® is conjugated estrogens, a natural estrogen. PRESOMEN® COMP is a combination of conjugated estrogens with a non-androgenic progestogen: medrogestone.
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Menopausal symptoms
Urogenital atrophy
Prevention of osteoporosis
All ovarian conditions which lead to reduced estrogen secretion.
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description of indications
Menopausal symptoms
While the hot flushes and night sweats, experienced by around 85 per cent of women, are the most common and therefore the best-known of menopausal symptoms, other physical symptoms include: an urgent and/or frequent need to urinate, vaginal dryness and pain on intercourse, an increased tendency to suffer from vaginal and urinary tract infections, ‘pins and needles’ in hands and feet, joint and muscle pains, headaches, dizziness, shortness of breath and palpitations. Additionally, a menopausal woman may also have to contend with tiredness, loss of energy, insomnia, irritability, anxiety, depression, forgetfulness and inability to concentrate, feelings of inadequacy and mood swings.
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Urogenital atrophy
Urogenital atrophy is a progressive wasting away of tissues of the genitals and urinary tract. Symptoms include pain during intercourse, loss of lubrication, vaginal- and urinary tract infections. Urogenital atrophy is generally caused by a lack of estrogens.
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The term osteoporosis describes bones that have become weak and prone to fracture. Although osteoporosis affects old people of both sexes to some extent, it is much more common in women after the menopause. Osteoporosis is an increasing health problem. One in three postmenopausal women have this condition after the menopause, and half of them will suffer a fracture as a result of it. Osteoporotic fractures exact an enormous cost, in both human and financial terms. Hip fractures need lengthy hospital treatment and a significant proportion of women will be permanently disabled. Osteoporotic fractures of the spine are acutely painful and often lead to loss of height, as well as neck and back deformities. These, in turn, make the sufferer more susceptible to chest and stomach ailments.
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worldwide availability
Solvay Pharmaceuticals markets PRESOMEN® in Germany only.
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date and country of first launch
1964 in Germany.
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average dosages
A wide variety of different dosage forms is available to individualize the therapy. Tablets contain 0.3 to 1.25 mg conjugated estrogens which is administered either continuously or on 21 days per 28 day treatment cycle. PRESOMEN® COMP contains in addition 5 mg medrogestone administered either for 11 days (in regimens with treatment pause) or 14 days if estrogens are administered continuously.
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